- Athletic Packet
- Concussion Student Form
- Sport Preparticipation Examination Form (physical)
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: TRYOUT DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE, check The NCLA calendar on the website for the most accurate information, click here.
Important Dates for MS Boys Basketball (Grades 6-8):
Deadline for paperwork: 11/3/15
Tryout Dates: 11/04/15, 11/05/15, 11/10/15
Tryout Time for: 11/04/15 and 11/05/15, 3:15 PM to 4:30 PM on both days.
Tryout Time for: 11/04/15 and 11/05/15, 3:15 PM to 4:30 PM on both days.
Tryout Time for: 11/10/15 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Supervising Coach: Coach Lebrecht
Contact Information:
Important Dates for HS Girls Basketball (Grades 9-11):
Deadline for paperwork: 11/3/15
Tryout Dates: 11/06/15, 11/07/15, 11/10/15
Tryout Times for: 11/06/15, 1:15 PM to 3:30 PM
Tryout Times for: 11/07/15, 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Tryout Times for: 11/06/15, 1:15 PM to 3:30 PM
Tryout Times for: 11/07/15, 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Tryout Times for: 11/10/15, 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM
Head Coach: Mr. Bay
Contact Information:
Important Dates for MS Girls Basketball (Grades 6-8):
Deadline for paperwork: 11/3/15
Tryout Dates: 11/06/15, 11/07/15, 11/10/15
Tryout Times for: 11/06/15, 1:15 PM to 3:30 PM
Tryout Times for: 11/07/15, 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Tryout Times for: 11/06/15, 1:15 PM to 3:30 PM
Tryout Times for: 11/07/15, 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Tryout Times for: 11/10/15, 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM
Head Coach: Mr. Hathaway
Contact Information:
Important items to consider:
Students may tryout for multiple sports, but can only participate in one. However, once the student commits to a sport he/she can no longer tryout for another. If a student is cut after tryouts, the student is free to tryout for another sport assuming the tryouts for the additional sport is still available.
- A specified amount of playing time is never guaranteed.
- Contests and practices are rarely held on Sundays and holidays, practice sessions are sometimes scheduled during school vacation periods.
- For some of The NCLA sports teams, “cuts” may be necessary.
- NO SPECIAL FAVORS/EXCUSES, it is the student's responsibility for academic work, particularly in cases where classes are missed for game participation.
- In the event that a student is participating on a The NCLA team and an out-of-school team, club, and/or activity concurrently, coaches expect The NCLA team to take priority if there is a conflict.
- Each student must be currently and fully enrolled to participate in any sports activity and must be in school at least half of the day on each game day.
- The school team is the athlete’s priority. An athlete may not miss any school athletic activity as listed above to participate in a non-school athletic event (i.e. – Travel teams, AAU, Recreational teams, etc.).
- Any student who is disciplined in other areas of school life is subject to suspension from the athletic program to be determined by the Coach, Athletic Director and/or Administration.
- The student will replace lost, damaged, or broken equipment and/or uniforms.
- Parents of athletes who do not return uniforms or damage uniforms will be billed for the cost of replacing these uniforms. If restitution is not made for the lost and/or damaged items, the student athlete is not eligible to participate in any further school athletic activity.
- All paperwork must be submitted and on file before the start of Tryouts.
- There is a $35.00 dollar fee per student, per sport, this will be collected after the first week of practices once cuts, if any, have been made.
- The NCLA will not provide transportation to all regularly scheduled away games, unlessotherwise noted. Parents are solely responsible for getting their athlete to and from games and practices.
- This means that if a student is late or cannot make it to a practice/game it will likely affect his/her playing time.
Academic Eligibility:
- Failure (F) of a unit of study during the previous marking period may make the student/athlete ineligible for athletics in the succeeding marking period.
- During the current marking period, any student whose grade drops below a D for his/her overall average for the quarter, will not be allowed to practice or play until that grade is back to passing.
- Coaches are required to pass out and collect The NCLA Grade Report Form. The student-athlete is required and responsible for having their teachers/instructors fill out this form.
- If the student athlete fails to get the form filled out s/he will not be allowed to participate in any athletic activity.
- A student athlete may not participate in an athletic event if he/she has received an office referral that results in disciplinary action on game day, or anytime during the season.
- First offense – one game suspension
- Second offense – three game suspension
- Third offense – removal from the team
School Attendance and Athletic Participation:
- Students who receive in-school or out-of-school suspension will not be allowed to participate that day.
- Students returning from athletic trips or late night games are expected to be on time for school the next day and not “sleeping in,” causing them to miss classes.